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Ameera's Therapy to go


As the snow melts and spring approaches, hopefully there are more options of activities that your child can engage in. Many kids have begun to return to school in various ways, through hybrid or distanced learning. Despite being a slight turn in the direction of normalcy, it is still quite different than what we are all used to. For this reason, you may find that your child is feeling more anxious, whether they're back to school in person or still remote.

If this is the case, acknowledge that this situation is not something that any of us are used to. Talk to your child about the changes and unique challenges they may be facing. Brainstorm how you can help and support them through this difficult time period.

For many children, the lack of in person social interaction has been a contributing factor to their anxiety. As the weather improves, there will be more opportunities for your child to spend time with their friends outdoors. Plan distanced hangouts in your backyard, or schedule walks with them or their friends. See if they can take some of their indoor hobbies outdoors. Ex: if your child likes to paint, try and set up a painting station outside for them to get a change of scenery.

For other children, being at home with no social interaction has been a source of comfort. The thought of returning in person, or having to interact with others can be anxiety provoking. For these children it is important to ease them back in to social situations. Start with small social interactions, such as taking them to a restaurant or a park where they will be around others. From there, encourage them to order their own food (when they are comfortable) or ask the waiter a question. Once you notice your child becoming more comfortable with socializing in this manner schedule a time for them to hang out with a friend or two. Encourage them to have a zoom call with friends, or go for a walk.

Whether your child is feeling anxious due to a lack of socialization, or changes in their lives, it is important as parents to validate their experience and feelings. Acknowledge that your child is navigating a tough situation and that you are there to support them throughout.

Additionally consider having your child joining one of our virtual groups. We have plenty of options from art groups, to gaming groups. These groups will give your child an opportunity to have positive social interactions with other children their age from the comfort of your home.

Also, as always, we have individual therapists available. Having a therapist can help transitional periods like these be easier for you and your child.

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